Monday 13 March 2017

Have a go at Rugby

On Friday the 3rd of March, we were lucky enough to have Jo and Tyler come and teach us some rugby skills.  We had a great time and learnt a few different techniques and games. 


Tuesday 7 March 2017

Home Learning Clarification

There have been some questions about how much parent involvement is okay in the maths Home Learning, so we just wanted to clarify our thinking around the maths problem solving component.
At school we promote collaboration and maths talk as a great way to enhance learning, and this is no different at home.  If you can, and want to, become involved in the maths problem solving options, that’s fantastic.
You can support your child by asking starting questions, like:
What do we know about this problem?
What don’t we know, yet?
What can we start with?
We actually love it when you work together, with your child, to solve problems that are challenging (and some of them are very challenging).
The Open Question is another way to collaborate with your child and become involved in their learning.  An open question has multiple answers (sometimes infinite) and is great for expanding mathematical thinking.

We want children to love learning, so we certainly don’t want Home Learning to become a ‘nightly battleground’.   You, the parents, know what else is happening for your family each week.  Do what you can, but keep Home Learning stress free.

Feel the Love Friday

Affirmations are regular a part of Room 21.

Mrs Macpherson and Mrs Halcrow liked this one from last Friday.

What do you love about Hoon Hay School?